New Media in Art 36-57 Response

I was very impressed in this reading by the way some of the video/performance art predicts some of the high production performances we see today. For example Robert Whitman's Prune Flat, featuring performers interacting with filmed images, immediately brought into my mind some of the performances involving projections on shows like America's Got Talent where the performers sync their movements with the images on screen. It's incredible to think about how far we've come with regards to technology, yet the ideas have been around for years.
For me this chapter examined the reduction of art to its simplest form. Just like minimalist painters in the 60's and 70's attempted to reduce their subjects to the simplest possible shapes and colors, the video and performance artists in this chapter reduced their works to the actual process of making the works.
When I looked at and read about the pieces in this chapter, I have to admit, I found it hard to relate to or appreciate many of them. Especially when it came to some of the more violent and disgusting performances, I just couldn't see any reason that I would try to seek out and experience the works for myself. However I think that trying to do so would be missing the point. For many of these performances, the purpose of creating them was for creations sake. Since the artists were chiefly concerned with the process of creating their art rather than the actual product, the opinions of a potential viewer were probably not considered or concerned with.


  1. Carson,

    I really liked what you had to say about creating for creation's sake. Analyzing these works of art definitely requires a shift in perspective because we are accustomed to judging works on their final product rather than the process. I also found it difficult to appreciate some of the weirder pieces of art in the chapter. However, these people were creating something, and I can respect that.

  2. i do see where you're coming from where you didn't understand or relate to the creation's sake. i just found it odd, the way things were being presented, and i really didnt know what to think. But you're right in the sense that, i'm not one to judge anything these artist make, since it will be accepted by someone.


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